The Gospel of All Creatures

The Gospel of the creatures is that the gospel may be preached through discerning the nature of the divine creation by which the Creator is known. Carnal reason, however, has no right to use the witnesses of the creatures of the gospel; reason errs in its use, an error which has beset all the philosophers in this world … man … must first by means of the creature be led to a knowledge of God; Christ talked to the people about the kingdom of God by means of many parables of nature.*1*
*1* William Klassen and Walter Klaassen, eds., trans. The Writings of Pilgrim Marpeck (Kitchener: Herald Press), 1978. p. 352-353.

The Execution of All Things: Generation X and Vocation.

The Following is the text of a talk I gave at Goshen College.

The Execution of All Things: Generation X and Vocation.
trevor george hunsberger bechtel
Assistant Professor of Religion
Bluffton University

Friday, October 21, 2005

Soldiers come quickly, I feel the earth beneath my feet.
I’m feeling badly, it’s not an attempt at decency.
And if you’re well off, well then I’m happy some for you.
But I’d rather not celebrate my defeat and humiliation here with you.

Someone come quickly, this place was built for moving out.
Leave behind buildings, the city planners got mapped out.
Bring with you history, and make your hard earned feast.
Then we’ll go to Omaha to work and exploit the booming music scene and humility.

And we’ve been talking all night.

Oh god come quickly, the execution of all things.
Let’s start with the bears and the air and mountains, rivers, and streams.
Then we’ll murder what matters to you and move on to your neighbors and kids.
Crush all hopes of happiness with disease because of what you did.

And lastly, you’re all alone with nothing left but sleep.
But sleep never comes to you, it’s just the guilt and forever wakefulness of
the weak.
It’s just you and me.

The execution of all things.
The execution of all things.
The execution of all things.

Rilo Kiley, “The Execution of All Things” from the Audio CD The Execution of All Things, Saddle Creek Records, 2002.

Generation X can be defined as the generation which has been caught between the analogous consumption of the baby boomers and the baby boomers offspring (called the gadget generation, the millenials or the net.generation depending on your sociologist of choice). Generation X includes, according to Douglas Coupland (whose novel Generation X named this group), those born between 1955 and 1969. It is the most startlingly fractured generation to date. Therefore any comment I make can only expose at most a few of these fractures. Some fractures imitate or anticipate the values of other generations, often doing so more successfully than the original.
Generation X, fractured as it is and caught between large attention getting, resource consuming generations has a strong sense of itself not being the target of anyone’s attention. In one the most consumptive eras our world has ever known, my generation is not the target market. And when X’ers music is used to target consumers, it targets the millenials who imitate Xer style. You could see this turn on a dime with the release of Kurt Cobain’s band Nirvana’s ablum Nevermind. Suddenly, the grunge music that Mudhoney and others had been making without attention for years was made palatable.
“Smells like teen spirit”, but at that point, the youngest Xer’s were already 23.
The world for Xers is apocalyptic. Apocalyptic literature whether found in the bible or in pop culture paints a realistic picture of a world without, or at least almost without, hope. Everything gets executed in this world. Others may be well off, they may be in Omaha, but we’re here. There are no bears, no air, no mountains, rivers, or streams. The institutions that matter to you, the proud society brought into existence before our time is all going away. One book states that the boomers rebeled against the system, generation X has done without the system and that the millenials will build a new system.
That new system might be coming but not in the apocalyptic worldview of Generation X. Lastly, Xer’s are all alone with nothing left but sleep. But sleep never comes to them, it’s just the guilt and forever wakefulness of the weak. For Xer’s It’s just you and me.
Unfortunately, the church has often been at the centre of this disenfranchisment. The church is at the hearts of X’ers, especially those who have grown up inside it. When the same inattention that X’ers have received in the world at large becomes a part of their experiences at church that heart is ripped out. This is again a part of the Execution of All Things. Sure, the church at its best pays attention to single people, to people who feel like they’re at the fringes of the world, to people who aren’t fitting in. But the church isn’t always at it’s best. The church makes families with children the ideal church members. It idolizes a certain type of leader, fellowship, a certain way of talking, a certain way of being, a certain way of believing.
But it’s easy for me to engage in this kind of rant. I believe it and I think churches need to be more deliberate at addressing the ways they exclude but this conference isn’t about the church it’s about vocation.
How does vocation work its way into this part of the picture? Vocation isn’t about teleology; a a fancy word we use in Christian Ethics to talk about pursuing a goal. We aren’t called to a goal are we? We pursue it. Goals are outside of us. Vocation also isn’t about narrative or virture; the emphasis on stories and the characters inside stories which form another popular way of talking about Christian Ethics. We are invited to participate in a story. We develop character. No, traditional ideas about Leadership and Vocation lean towards deontology; which basically translates to duty.
Call, and response to the call of the leader, can both be thought of in terms of our duty to others, institutions, community, nation or God. The betrayal of ideals which gave rise to and was the result of 60’s radicalism moved vocation and leadership away from deontology towards self-fulfillment. The individual in service of the institution became simply, the individual. Institutions and leaders who betrayed trust were no longer worthy of devotion. Vocation simultaneously turned towards consumption and has lead to great excesses since the generation who were involved in this shift – the baby boomers – was the biggest generation on record.
Several options are closed to Generation X as they lead, follow, call, are called and discern calls. This generation feels little sense of duty, little desire for self-fulfillment (especially, but not only in a consumptive sense), and still distrusts institutions and authority. This has lead to apathy and anarchy on one hand, and hyper-conservativism on the other. Significant disenfranchisement as a general phenomenon and not from any particular institution or ideology has occurred. This has happened in spiritual, social and political realms. Apocalyptically, Xer’s simply aren’t interested.
What then is open to this generation? How does vocation and leadership function in a disenfranchised world? I would suggest that the value which shapes the Generation X’ers’ negotiation of their world is relationship. X’ers feel called to create strong relationships and feel fed by these relationships. Letting relationships form the entire core of one’s existence requires a remarkable amount of integrity. Although it is made obvious by any standard metric, many Xer’s have a huge amount of integrity. More important than policy or ideology alone, and apart from charisma in any standard sense, X’ers’, and perhaps especially Christian X’ers, let relationships shape their choices, their commitments and their entire way of being in the world.
Some examples of this: diminished church involvement but an enhanced sense of spirituality, diminished political involvement (participation in standard political parties) but enhanced group advocacy on issues of importance to the group. An enhanced trust of process in institutional decision-making but only if the process is transparent and has the participation of all involved.
X’ers will give their allegiance to people who succeed in fostering relationships with them. The character and integrity of the leader may be more important than the leader’s methods or ideals. At the same time X’ers will lead by creating relationships. Community becomes a more and more important model, but this need not be a geographical community. It is the community that is bound together by relationships before particular issues, ideologies, or institutions, and this includes the church. This is a vision of vocation that looks to Ruth, rather than to Samuel, David, Ezekiel, Mary or Paul. Listen to how the commitment to God seems secondary in this biblical text.
“Do not press me to leave you
or to turn back from following you!
Where you go, I will go;
where you lodge, I will lodge;
your people shall be my people,
and your God my God.
17 Where you die, I will die-
there will I be buried.
May the LORD do thus and so to me,
and more as well,
if even death parts me from you!” (Ruth 1.16-17)

I loved Keith Graber Miller’s talk last night. Wasn’t it good? I love hearing the story of a vision that is so pure, so commited, so careful, so rooted and which has such possibilites for real engagement in both the church and the world. But I need to acknowledge that the vision I’m putting forth here, caught in the right light, casts a contrary shadow. Graber Miller locates the nexus of Christian discipleship which forms the root of all authentic vocation in the church. This is surely good theology. But if relationships mediate all of reality, if they are the only thing left after the execution of all things, if it’s really just you and me, then the church only becomes a home for the vocation of X’ers when it truly respects, welcomes and celebrates their relationship in all of their diaphonus glory. So the church that makes it’s witness stand prior to the witness of the web of relationship that X’ers have already formed closes itself to the many gifts X’ers offer.
This happens all the time.
Let me put this point as clearly as I can. When churches invite their best and brightest to serve in leadership positions churches reify a particular vision of what counts as the brightest and the best; the brightest at what? the best at what? When church arbitrate the kinds of calls that are seen as churchly; when worship, ministry, caring look the same across the church; when other gifts are not celebrated, or even recognized as gifts, churches reify a particular vision of what counts as vocation or leadership. When leadership happens among Xer’s it happens organically rising out of the web of relationships strengthing certain cords and then fading into the background.
My argument here broadens significantly. This isn’t just about Xer’s it’s about everyone who has been kicked out of the system, who the system doesn’t acknowledge, whose gifts aren’t convenient.
I don’t expect that many churches will work to change their patterns of relationship so that the Sunday afternooon frisbee football game garners enough attention to avoid the annual church meeting being planned over it. I don’t expect that many couples, faced with childlessness, will be given showers celebrating the new knowledge about the shape of their family. I don’t expect that many single people will be celebrated for who they are, given pride of place in Sunday morning worship in some carefully chosen moment of the liturgical year. I don’t expect that many churches will gear up for the long haul of respecting someone’s depression providing support for as long as it takes. I don’t expect that the strength of surprising relationships will be celebrated for what they are rather than looked on with suspicion and distrust. I don’t expect that churches will celebrate a lifestyle that works as seldomly as possible, traveling the country on a shoestring budget, as a responsible discipleship of acedia, or moral laziness.
But until churches learn to do these things and more they won’t be able to welcome the vocation of many Generation Xers. Xer’s have learned to live without institutions. I expect that they’ll continue to do this.
But I hope personally, socially, ethically and theologically otherwise.
I’m hoping against hope that Ezekiel words will soon ring true.
Ezekiel 37.1-17

The hand of the LORD came upon me, and he brought me out by the spirit of the LORD and set me down in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2 He led me all around them; there were very many lying in the valley, and they were very dry. 3 He said to me, “Mortal, can these bones live?” I answered, “O Lord GOD, you know.” 4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them: O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. 5 Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. 6 I will lay sinews on you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the LORD.”

7 So I prophesied as I had been commanded; and as I prophesied, suddenly there was a noise, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone. 8 I looked, and there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them; but there was no breath in them. 9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, mortal, and say to the breath: Thus says the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.” 10 I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood on their feet, a vast multitude.

11 Then he said to me, “Mortal, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are cut off completely.’ 12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: I am going to open your graves, and bring you up from your graves, O my people; and I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and bring you up from your graves, O my people. 14 I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you on your own soil; then you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken and will act, says the LORD.”

Prayer for All Saints Day

We make this invocation God of the coral, of the honeybee and the beaver.
Just as Rahab and Joshua made their houses into vessels for your service, so we have come into this house this morning hoping to serve you.
Fill us with the same obsidian radiance which engulfed the Capitol Rotunda this week powered by the light of your servant, Rosa Parks.
Fashion in us a similar interior castle suitable for your dwelling.
Grant us expertise in divine architecture as we open ourselves to your word and what we might build upon it.

Miers -> Alito

So I’m thinking that Harriet Miers was the sacrifical lamb preparing the way for Alito. Once her nomination was so efficiently botched much of the wind would leave the oppositions sails regardless of who the next nominee was. The appointment of Alito on the day the Rosa Parks lies in state is a remarkable icon for the extent to which we have succumbed to logic of culture wars both as a nation and as individuals.

IRAQ: From bad to worse

by Peggy Gish

“From bad to worse,” is a common phrase Iraqis use when describing what is
happening in Iraq. Working here, outside the isolated Green Zone or
military bases, we get a different picture from the optimistic depictions
released by the U.S. government. I mostly hear from Iraqis that the presence
of American military has lowered their quality of life, and set back their
progress in building a peaceful and democratic society.

Even from those who say it is necessary for the US military to remain longer
in Iraq to prevent greater factional fighting or civil war, we hear despair.
They speak of the snail-pace progress in repairing infrastructure, the
growing humanitarian crisis, the depressed economic system, and the lack of
basic security.

Some brief examples:

1) Of the three million residents of Sadr City, a poor area of Baghdad, 72%
have hepatitis A or E, because of polluted water. In Sadr City we saw
trenches dug along the main streets for sewer system repair. According to
leaders of Sadr City, this project does not include replacing the cracked
and inadequate pipes along the side streets that connect to the people’s

2) Although more manufactured goods are available in the markets of Iraqi’s
cities, poverty is severe, with an estimated 40% unemployment, and
increasing malnutrition. Cheaper foreign goods flooding the market and the
take over of Iraqi businesses and oil production by U.S. companies, continue
to erode the economy.

3) Families in Fallujah are slowly starting to rebuild with little help
from the US or Iraqi governments. Since the Nov. 2004 attacks, U.S. forces
still wage active warfare in many other cities and villages. U.S. and Iraqi
forces currently [Gish wrote this release on August 14] surround the city of
Tellafar, west of Mosul and have used heavy bombs in attacks on the city of

5) Iraqi people live in daily fear of explosions and kidnappings by the
violent resistance groups as well as violent house raids, indiscriminate
roundups, abusive interrogations and imprisonment by U.S. and Iraqi forces.

6) They are also worried about corruption in the new Iraqi government and
the brutal violence of the newer Iraqi special police commandos, trained by
the US and operating under the Ministry of Interior. Some call this “state
terrorism.” Iraqis tell us about family members being abducted from their
homes, tortured and sometimes found dead by a roadside. Prisoners’ families
report paying thousands of dollars to prevent the prisoners from being
tortured or forced to give confessions on TV of crimes they did not commit.

Meanwhile, most Iraqis are trying to go on with life as normal as possible,
caring for their families. Countless Iraqis try to keep hope alive by
working with organizations that foster unity, human rights and local
democratic activity. They worry, however, that all the sacrifices and
hardships they have endured will not lead them to a freer and safer life.

-from CPTnet
25 August 2005


“Touch …. communicates in a way that exceeds or transcends reduction to verbalization. Touch, then, never occurs uninterpreted (and therefore unmediated by language), but it escapes total translation into words. Right when words fail, touch becomes a major expression of extreme feelings ranging from aggression to intimacy.

– Paula Cooey

The act of touching another, in which what is touched is sensed only as itself touching, establishes a circuit of exchanges in which two become one flesh and each becomes part of the other. Because this reaches into dimensions of our being that only an occasional poet or singers have been able to articulate, we should not think of this exchange as a form of communication so much as a form of communion..

– Donn Welton

The last light of day crept away like a drunkard after gin
A hint of chanted prayer now whispers from the fresh night wind
To this shattered heart and soul held together by habit and skin
And this half-gnawed bone of apprehension
Buried in my brain
As I don’t feel your touch, again.

– Bruce Cockburn


Sermon for Chicago Community Mennonite Church 8/17/05

Elegy for Giant Tortoises
by Margaret Atwood

Let others pray for the passenger pigeon
the dodo, the whooping crane, the eskimo:
everyone must specialize

I will confine myself to a meditation
upon the giant tortoises
withering finally on a remote island.

I concentrate in subway stations,
in parks, I can’t quite see them,
they move to the peripheries of my eyes

but on the last day they will be there;
already the event
like a wave travelling shapes vision:

on the road where I stand they will materialize
plodding past me in a straggling line
awkward without water

their small heads pondering
from side to side, their useless armour
sadder than tanks and history,

in their closed gaze ocean and sunlight paralysed
lumbering up the steps, under the archways
toward the square glass altars

where the brittle gods are kept,
the relics of what we have destroyed,
our holy and obsolete symbols.

This is a sermon about tortoises. It is about the particularity of their bodies. What strange animals they are, “awkward without water, small heads pondering from side to side, useless armour sadder than thanks or history.” But even as they move to the peripheries of our eyes we feel, viscerally and palpably, the expectation that they will materialize in front of us, interrupting our expectations, reframing our holy and obsolete symbols.
It is also a sermon about the uneasy relationship we have as modern people to our minds, spirits and bodies. We alternate between brash confidence and strange praise as we realize the possibilities for failure and success in our reason, passion and palpable sensibilities.
I want to deconstruct both the tortoise and modern subject this morning. Passages like Romans 8 are so involved and complex and have been subject to so much historical and doctrinal sediment that they need deconstruction in order become once again strange and palpable to us. We only understand that which we can touch and that which feels strange.
This insistence, that we only understand that which we can touch and that which feels strange seems to bounce right up against Paul’s words in early in Romans 8. Here we are told that we can’t trust flesh; that we need to die to our bodies and live according to the spirit. We’ve taken this message to heart. We believe that our bodies and our mind are distinct; that the mind is in a battle with the body; and that the impulses of our bodies must be shut down if we are to follow Christ.
Now life according to the flesh is death; I’m not trying to convince you otherwise. And I’m not going to engage in any detailed exgesis of sarx; Paul’s word for the flesh. I don’t want to do this for two reasons: it’s summer and you don’t want to listen to it anyways, and our love of words is one of the problems here. We distrust the flesh but we love the word. Especially when we are acting like Protestants or Postmoderns we love the word.
Protestants fell in love with the word during the reformation. The word, in the sole authority of scripture and the ascension of preaching and scholarship supplanted the much more embodied religion of icons, symbols and relics that had developed in mediaeval Catholicism. Mennonites found a middle ground between these two ways of being Christian. We abandoned icons, relics and symbols, but our words have always been supported by the inarticulate groanings of the Holy Spirit which are too deep for words. Our words have always been an afterthought growing out of the things that our bodies have already done. And our words never taste best spoken, our words are sung.
Postmodernity fell in love with the word as it tried to find a way to supplant modern ideals of rationality, progress, elitism, and time. Postmoderns turn to language and argue that language creates our bodies. In our speaking, writing and thinking, in dialogue with others and by ourselves, we inscribe our bodies with meaning and sense.
But the point as Paul gets around to telling us is not about the word. Its about the word made flesh. Words don’t negate our bodies as in protestantism. Words don’t save our bodies as in postmodernity. Words are the way we communicate, but there are strange groanings, too deep for words that are our best conduit to God.
I think what Paul is really after here is not at all an attack on the body. For Paul our bodies are not a shell holding our souls. For Paul our bodies are not the evil part of who we are. For Paul its all about how to follow Christ, how to best ready ourselves for adoption. What this means, I think, is that we shouldn’t live according to human logic but instead that we pattern our bodies according to God’s reign. The future redemption of all creation shows us that the body is not in and of itself evil, just that the body first must be God’s.
Tortoises help us learn this. They can’t trust their bodies according a gravity unmediated by water and buoyancy. They find themselves slow and ponderous, outfitted with a useless armour for a useless war. On land they are sadder than thanks. On land they are sadder than history. On land they are groaning inwardly waiting for the Spirit to intercede for them. Tortoises on land are like humans living apart from God. There is nothing inherent evil about it, but it’s clumsy, useless and sad.
In the water, tortoises are graceful moving quickly and articulately negotiating a world that was made for them. In water they are submerged by exactly that which created them, sustains them and will redeem them. In the water how can tortoises be anything but alive and vibrant? In the water tortoise’s can trust their bodies to be supported.
I know I’ve hit the difficult ideas to think about drum pretty hard this morning. I recognize the irony here. In trying to make palpable the body of Christ, I might have only made it strange. I don’t believe that strangeness is the only way to touch something, I’m just not a very good poet yet.
Meister Eckhart is much better.

IF I WERE ALONE in the desert and feeling afraid,
I would want a child to be with me.
For then my fear would disappear and I would be made strong.
This is what life in itself can do because it is so noble, so full of pleasure and so powerful.

But if I could not have a child with me,
I would like to have at least a living animal at my side to comfort me.

let those who bring about wonderful things in their big, dark books take an animal to help them.

The life within the animal will give strength in turn.
For equality gives strength in all things and at all times.


the body has got to be worth saving
eyelids are shining with headache and perspiration
morning is finding good intentions under sleep’s persuasion
the body has got to be…
our past lives were too heavy and too expensive
now we’re paying together for our inventions
maybe there’s a ceremony
written down inside the body
where maybe no one ever see
you begin like a lion and you end like a lamb
molars are grinding inspiration down to nothing
where are the instructions
on how to keep it going?
the body…
a patient motor in secret is whirring
binding together what was broken
with the heart’s string
to have without keeping
to sigh without boredom
to know without thinking
and to love without ever knowing
maybe there’s a ceremony
written down inside the body
where maybe no one ever sees

Caithlin De Marrais avers, with the depressed tentativeness typical in this genre, that the body is perhaps the body’s own best hope for salvation. A Better Version of Me, the album on which this song finds itself, is a masterwork devoted to exploring the ways that the body understands. Along with James Gronniosaw, a slave who heard a slave captain read the bible and was astonished to see a book talk, and Ezekiel who ate the scroll, De Marrias finds that our bodies are not governed in their appropriation of texts by the rules of discourse. She warns us not to assume the stability of ethics or interpretation. Good intentions do their daily battle with sleep’s persuasion. Molars grind inspiration down to nothing. The only hope is the eschatological one found in beginning like a lion but ending like a lamb.
This should not surpise us for the transmission and interpretation of truth is not stable or guaranteed when Ezekiel eats the scroll. Gronniosaw’s book so alarms him with its message that the message itself is lost in his amazement at hearing it. But while we should not look to our bodies to provide stability, certainty or any precise method, with De Marrias I want to explore the possibility of interpreting ethically with our bodies.
I begin with De Marrias not just because I like her music but because A Better Version of Me was created through a deliberately embodied process. De Marrias is trained as a dancer, not a bass player/vocalist and these songs grow out of a deliberate attempt to work from the inside out; to give voice first to the body. As an outline of the argument in this chapter, let us begin with an interpretation of the question of the body as Rainer Maria ask it. (continued … and it’s long … in the extended entry)

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