Things I Know

I know that there are many things that I’m lousy at and keeping in touch with friends that don’t live in close geographical proximity to me is one of them. I know that I’m also lousy at doing anything that requires attention everyday. Even the most fun task, if it requires attention every 24 hours, becomes a chore. This makes writing a dissertation torture so I’ve cut alot out of my life in order to get it done. Blogging was one of the casualties. But when I received an email today from
Bryan Moyer Suderman
with whom I haven’t talked to in many years telling me, “I look forward to reading your blog someday…” I knew that it was time to begin blogging again. Bryan is one of those people who rarely tells you to do anything but when he does you know that it’s the right thing to do.

Begin the begin – R.E.M.

Birdie in the hand for life’s rich demand
The insurgency began and you missed it.
I looked for it and I found it
Miles Standish proud, congratulate me.

A philanderer’s tie, a murderer’s shoe
Life’s rich demand creates supply in the hand
Of the powers, the only vote that matters

Silence means security silence means approval
On Zenith, on the TV, tiger run around the tree
Follow the leader, run and turn into butter

Let’s begin again, begin the begin
Let’s begin again like Martin Luther Zen
The mythology begins the begin.

Answer me a question I can’t itemize
I can’t think clearly, look to me for reason
It’s not there, I can’t even rhyme in the begin

A philanderer’s tie, a murderer’s shoe
Example: the finest example is you.

Birdie in the hand for life’s rich demand
The insurgency began and you missed it.
I looked for it and I found it
Miles Standish proud, congratulate me.

A philanderer’s tie, a murderer’s shoe
Let’s begin again begin the begin
Let’s begin again.