I’ve decided upon watching this that what I most want to see, and I don’t care how it happens, is an conversation between Ricky Gervais [in character as David Brent} and George Bush. I think that it would give us a real insight into Bushian/Gervaisian thought processes. Preferably, they would both be hooked up to some kind of brain monitoring system so that we could measure the peaks when they decided what would direct their next comment.
Gervais/Brent: What is your view of intelligence and of design and their connection and of creation?
Bush: I feel like both sides ought to be properly taught.
Gervais/Brent: And this is what’s important, isn’t it, that we have sides. Like on dice, which are good for gambling.
Bush: Yes, what is important is that we pursue the good, and protect our ability to be good. We need to protect ouserlves.
Gervais/Brent: I’ve always been an advocate of protection. But you just don’t know what kind of disease are out there do you? Protection is crucial.
Bush: Yes, it’s like my father use to say, that we need to more kind and also more gentle; A sort of decisive gentleness. I decide that there should be gentle things. I’m for the gentle.
Gervais/Brent: Don’t get me started on fathers ….